Okay, just a quick explination for people who are not familiar with me AT ALL, that weird cat girl with the stripe shirt, thats my character. Obviously her name is Neko. Most of my characters are based off of my friends and me, sometimes there are random side characters who dont matter and the rest are probably characters from animes I like. In this first comic its just some random thing where I scare Sasuke out of Konoha. Sorry if you cant read my handwriting, this is the first comic I used photoshop with and I didnt know how to do the whole text thing.

enjoy the randomness! :3

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. Nor do i own any of the other animes portrayed in my comics.

It may also be helpful to mention i sometimes draw my character cosplaying as other characters like Itachi Uchiha or other characters i cosplay as too.  
I do not own any of these characters either!

New Comic!